New IUPUI CyberLab Webinar Series on eLearning Innovation and Best Practices

by CourseNetworking - May 11, 2021

The IUPUI CyberLab and CourseNetworking (CN) started a new, free webinar series last month on elearning innovation and best practices. Each webinar focuses on specific innovative use of technology in teaching and learning, including ePortfolios. The CyberLab intends to have invited faculty and ed-tech movers and shakers as guest speakers monthly.

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The IUPUI CyberLab Webinar Series’ mission is to disseminate and share knowledge of best practices and innovative use of emerging technology in teaching and learning.

Volume 1

Professor Darrell Bailey presented Volume 1 of the series titled ePortfolio as a Catalyst for Change on April 20, 2021. In his presentation, Bailey shared his first-hand experience in developing ePortfolio “Signature” Assignments in his course. A student from his course, Karla Rigsby, presented her ePortfolio and provided insight into a student’s ePortfolio building perspective. Professor Bailey also presented his innovative use of CN ePortfolio for the Our Plastic Ocean, Our Clean Ocean project. The project page enables the project collaborators to raise the public’s awareness of marine conservation and encourage everyone to fight for the plastic pollution crisis.

Volume 2

The next volume of the series will take place this Friday, May 14, at 1 p.m. EST. Volume 2, titled,

Revealing the Rumi Project; An AI-based Personal Assistant for Students will be presented by Professor Ali Jafari. This presentation follows the release (May 10) of the Rumi Personal Assistant to all global CN users.

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Dr. Jafari will discuss and demonstrate the following subjects:

  • The concept of Rumi as a digital learning assistant integrated within a learning software environment such as LMS course sites
  • Rumi UI and UX design; its appearance in courses and home feed, communication format, personal, emotional setting, and its character setting
  • Deep integration of the Rumi software with CourseNetworking LMS
  • Rumi AI and machine learning
  • Rumi services released on May 10, 2021; Rumi Announcement, Rumi Tips, Rumi Jobs, Rumi Community Recommendation, and Rumi Quote Competition
  • Next phase of Rumi under development
  • Call for research collaboration and site testing (colleges and universities)
  • Live demonstration of Rumi service in CN production site

Upcoming webinars and resources

Currently, the webinars in the planning stage will cover topics such as institution and program wide ePortfolio implementation, design social learning based online courses, engaging students through social discussion, technologies for virtual exchange, learning gamification, localization of global learning platforms, and more.

Upcoming webinar announcements, posting of handouts, and recordings for the IUPUI CyberLab Webinar Series will be housed at To inquire about becoming a presenter, email: If you’re interested in seeing a private demo of the Rumi tool or any other CourseNetworking products, schedule a demo here.