Nishadi Liyanage - Driving Professional Growth and Transforming Teaching with CN ePortfolio

This a profile image of student Nishadi Liyanage

About Nishadi Liyanage

Meet Nishadi Liyanage, a dedicated faculty member of Agriculture at the University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, since February 2022. Nishadi specializes in teaching Genetics and Plant Breeding and fostering a comprehensive educational experience for her students. Her journey in education began in 2012, when she took on the role of teaching science and English to students in need, showcasing her commitment to inclusive education.

The Initiation of Nishadi's CN ePortfolio Journey

In February 2023, Nishadi embarked on the development of her CN ePortfolio as part of the mandatory Certificate Course in Teaching in Higher Education (CTHE) organized by the Staff Development Center at the University of Peradeniya. Introduced to the CN ePortfolio during the CTHE program, Nishadi immediately recognized the capabilities that the CN ePortfolio held; “it provided potential as a platform to document professional growth, highlight achievements, and showcase progress.”

Utilizing CN ePortfolio for Personal and Professional Development

Nishadi's journey towards crafting an impressive ePortfolio was initially motivated by the requirements of the CTHE Program. However, as she delved deeper into the process, her personal drive became a significant factor, highlighting that “having a digital space is not only convenient but also helps avoid the clutter of traditional document piles.” She also appreciated the support given by the resource team at the University of Peradeniya, who provided guidance and motivation through training sessions that were extremely important when crafting her ePortfolio.

Regarding the CN ePortfolio's impact, it serves as a structured digital archive for organizing records, particularly in the showcase section, aiding in reflection on teaching and research endeavors. Its user-friendly interface enhances efficiency, facilitating professional documentation. Therefore, Nishadi believes this digital presence of her works will become very important for her future career.

The CN ePortfolio functions as a precisely structured digital archive for organizing our records. The "showcase" section, in particular, has proven invaluable for reflecting on both my teaching and research efforts.

Nishadi Liyanage

This is a small profile image of Nishadi  next to Nishadi’s quote

Introducing CN ePortfolio to Students

Nishadi has shared her ePortfolio-building experience with her students and is exploring the integration of e-learning modules with the CN ePortfolio for her courses. “This initiative aims to elevate the student assessment process, providing a meaningful platform for students to document their learning milestones within their ePortfolios”, said Nishadi. She intends to conduct training sessions for small groups of students, guiding them through creating and enhancing their profiles. Her personal experience with ePortfolio development equips her with valuable insights to effectively introduce and guide students in utilizing CN ePortfolio for their academic and professional development.

Tips for Other Faculty and Feature Recommendations

Nishadi suggests considering ePortfolio development as a compulsory element in training and development programs for faculty. Recognizing and valuing ePortfolios in recruitment processes can motivate faculty members. She recommends integrating internship or industrial training assessments with ePortfolio development for students and conducting regular training sessions for staff on ePortfolio updates and advancements.

Additionally, Nishadi recommends adding features such as a chatbot for quick assistance and an interactive calendar for tracking achievements. She also suggests facilitating cross-connections with other social media platforms to promote broader visibility and networking opportunities. Those are great suggestions, and the CN team will incorporate them while they are actively improving the platform.


Nishadi Liyanage's journey with CN ePortfolio illustrates the power of a digital portfolio as a professional development tool for both faculty and students and its potential to enhance assessments in academic programs. From its inception during her training program to its evolution as a comprehensive showcase of achievements and an innovative assessment tool, Nishadi's story highlights the transformative potential of embracing ePortfolio for personal and professional growth. Her experience serves as an inspiration for other educators and institutions.

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